Stay informed about issues.
We understand that homelessness is a complex issue, and it’s okay if you feel overwhelmed. Since 1989, we’ve dedicated ourselves to educating our community about the housing crisis in Greater Lafayette. Through our efforts, we aim to foster understanding and drive meaningful change.
Give to help our guests.
Whether you choose to make a monetary donation or offer your time, your support plays a crucial role in helping our guests get back on their feet. Nonprofits like ours thrive thanks to the generosity of people like you!
Help to end homelessness.
Those experiencing homelessness don’t have to be stuck in this cycle forever, and there’s a solution beyond going to a shelter. Together, we can end homelessness one person at a time.

“They want to take care of people and it’s out of their heart… I can’t thank them enough.”
- Guest

When you partner with LTHC, you’re creating:
Solutions for anyone experiencing a housing crisis in Tippecanoe County
Resources for Benton, Carroll, Clinton, Fountain, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Warren, and White County veterans
Long-term supportive housing options
Engagement-driven gifting leadership through funding, nourishing or volunteering
New ways to get involved in your community and help those who are in a housing crisis
Educational opportunities to reframe the narrative of homelessness with compassion and facts

“I used the phones when I needed, the computer for job searches. It’d be pretty bleak for any homeless person without the services of transitional housing.”
- Guest