Find a solution to homelessness in Greater Lafayette with LTHC.
If you’re searching for homeless solutions in Greater Lafayette, we can help! LTHC Homeless Services offers diversion, intake, and other services at the Engagement Center to help anyone experiencing homelessness stay as comfortable as possible while they explore housing opportunities.
The Engagement Center would not be possible without the generosity of volunteers and donors who help our guests meet their basic needs. Thank you to all who help us support those in our community who need it most!

What’s the difference between LTHC’s Engagement Center and a shelter?
Day shelters do a great job of managing people who are experiencing homelessness. However, at LTHC, each of our guests has a long-term housing stability plan they're working to achieve.
Nobody should have to worry about meeting their basic needs. That’s why we offer three meals a day, seven days a week, at our Engagement Center. We also provide showers, bathrooms, lockers, and laundry services so our guests can meet some of those needs.
How can a guest get connected with the Engagement Center?
When guests come to us for an assessment, they discuss their situation with a case manager. The case manager will then then connect guests to the resources that work best for them.
If a case manager can’t immediately divert a guest out of homelessness, that’s okay. Our Engagement Center is available for those who need extra time and services to end their housing crisis once and for all.

We offer a solution beyond shelter.
Our guests have access to a variety of services, including;
Bus Tokens
Coats and Other Seasonal Clothing
Computer Access
Laundry Facilities
Mail Services
Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner)
Mental and Physical Healthcare Services
Phone Access
Storage Lockers
Transportation Assistance