100 Men Who Cook
March 27, 2019Wanna help?
March 28, 2019The Greater Lafayette Homeward Bound will be held Sunday, April 28 at Memorial Island at Columbian Park. Registration begins at 1 and the walk starts at 2 pm.
This is a non-competitive, family-friendly event. Between 1-2, there will be animals from the petting zoo, face painting, balloons, and games as well as food — ALL FREE!
The goal of the event is to raise awareness and funds for LTHC Homeless Services, Homestead CS, and Family Promise. Each of these agencies plays an important role in preventing or helping individuals and families that are in a housing crisis.
Community members are encouraged to form teams and raise donations to be shared by the above agencies. You can register at http://www.greaterlafayettehomewardbound.com