Wanna help?
March 28, 2019Engagement Center & Union Place Apartments
April 11, 2019If you are interested in learning more about the Lafayette Plarn Project, please contact Julie Conlon at plarnforlthc@gmail.com. The group can also by found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/287237271712899/
If you are wondering what the Lafayette Plarn Project is, you first need to know that plarn stands for PLastic yARN and there are individuals and groups throughout the MidWest who support our local efforts with this material. It involves converting plastic shopping bags into balls of “yarn” that can then be crocheted or woven into sleeping mats, bags, pillows, etc that are given to people experiencing homelessness in Greater Lafayette.
Since the group began in 2017, it has grown to include sewing and other craft projects that involve and benefit guests at LTHC Homeless Services. The group has donated over $1,000 in proceeds from sales as well as supported a handful of guests with work.