Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program at LTHC
January 5, 2017Point-in-Time Homeless Count is Coming
January 18, 2017“I’m gonna save the planet one screw up at a time — starting with this one” is the motto that Kelly, age 43, lives by.
Kelly, who has lived in the Greater Lafayette area since 2010, has been homeless for the past year. But just this week, she moved into the LTHC Singles Permanent Supportive Housing program and now has her own housing unit!
According to Kelly, she became homeless after a divorce and losing her job. For the most part, she has stayed at the emergency night shelter although she has had to ask friends if she could stay over with them from time to time if she missed the sign in at the shelter.
Worrying about her “stuff,” has been one of the biggest challenges of being homeless, Kelly said, because if you do not have a locker at LTHC you either have to be a “pack mule” and keep it with you all the time or stash it. She said she has lost many things over the past year, including one time losing everything she owned. All in all, however, Kelly has trusted God to get her through this ordeal.
Kelly, who has a Bachelor’s Degree from Purdue, begins an internship program next month that she hopes will help her stabilize her financial situation. In her two year plan, Kelly hopes to still be safely housed, working and volunteering, and reconnecting with her two children that currently live with family members. She says that she is always quick to offer someone help when asked because so many people have helped her.
Kelly is just one of hundreds of clients that rely on LTHC Homeless Services during a difficult situation. She is just one of the many reasons why we do what we do to help end homelessness.
Please consider supporting LTHC as we work to end homelessness for hundreds of people in 2017! Together, we can make a difference and every donation helps us reach this goal
Jennifer Layton