Find permanent supportive housing in Lafayette, Indiana with our PSH program.
Did you know that those in a chronic housing struggle can still find permanent supportive housing in Lafayette, Indiana? There are many unique obstacles to housing stability, which is why we created a unique solution for our guests.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) through LTHC Homeless Services combines affordable housing and on-site case management to help our guests live more stable, productive lives.

Why PSH?
PSH is our most intensive service for guests who are chronically homeless with complex and long-term barriers to housing. In fact, 100% of individuals in PSH have a physical or mental health condition, and 50% of PSH families have experienced domestic violence.
Because of this, we know that just putting a vulnerable guest in a shelter for a night will only manage their homelessness. But, we want to overcome it. So, we offer PSH units and services to these guests so they can find the safety and stability they might not have otherwise.
Our PSH units house families and individuals.
Each PSH facility has an on-site case manager to help residents with their housing stability plan and connect them with community resources. Each tenant signs a one-year lease and gets a rental subsidy through the Lafayette Housing Authority.
We have four facilities that offer long-term solutions for our PSH guests: the Lincoln Center, the Eighth Street Commons, the Family Program, and the Engagement Center.

Our services don’t just stop at housing.
The goal for our PSH guests is to remain permanently housed while they address other needs, including (but not limited to):
Addiction Services
Applications for Entitlement Benefits
Employment Services
Mental and Physical Healthcare Services
Transportation Assistance