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Our guests can get settled quickly with Rapid Re-Housing in Lafayette, Indiana.

At LTHC Homeless Services, our goal is to connect our guests to the housing solution that best fits their needs. One of the solutions we offer is Rapid Re-Housing.

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) provides case management and financial assistance for families and individuals who are residing in shelters or other locations not meant for human habitation. LTHC provides this in Tippecanoe County through our Engagement Center. Our agency also offers Homeless Outreach services in the following rural counties: Benton, Clinton, Carroll, White, Fountain, Montgomery, and Warren. To inquire about rural services, please contact us

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Who might qualify for Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)?

If you are experiencing domestic violence or are staying in a shelter, outside, or in your car, you may be eligible for RRH and many other services we offer.

If you’re not sure whether you or a loved one would qualify as homeless, come to LTHC for an assessment. Our top priority it to get someone in need connected to services as quickly as possible.

Our guests and housing specialists are on the same side.

It’s understandable that some people may fear judgment from our case managers. But, our staff is here to help those in our community who need it most. They want to help all people experiencing homelessness find a permanent housing solution.

We also have a housing specialist who works to connect families and individuals with private landlords. In 2018, over 40 landlords partnered with LTHC to help our guests quickly get back on their feet and back into housing.

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Housing challenges are unique—solutions should be, too.

Our case managers help each guest with his or her unique challenges to housing stability, which include (but are not limited to):

Addiction Services

Applications for Entitlement Benefits



Employment Services


Mental and Physical Healthcare Services

Temporary Rental and Utility Subsidies

Transportation Assistance

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Ready to get back on your feet?