Find service that goes beyond shelters with our Housing First model in Lafayette, Indiana.
There’s hope in ending homelessness with LTHC Homeless Services. We provide housing options and resources for our guests, as well as volunteer and donation opportunities for our community members.
Because each of our guests has a different situation and need, we offer a variety of unique services for persons experiencing homelessness in Greater Lafayette in order to connect them with a sustainable housing solution.

Homeless Services Program (HSP)
Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)
Services for Veteran Families (SVF)
Day Resource Center
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
Engagement Center

Want to learn more about our transitional housing in Lafayette, Indiana?

1. Learn more about homelessness in your community.
2. Come in for a tour to learn about volunteer and donation opportunities.
3. Be part of the solution to end our guests’ homelessness.