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Support LTHC, and help end homelessness in Lafayette.

The solution to ending homelessness is housing—something that is simple but not easy to accomplish. Housing is very expensive and competitive in the Greater Lafayette area, which means our guests—people with a history of homelessness—are often the ones with few opportunities to get into housing.

In response, LTHC Homeless Services is continually evolving our programs to meet the needs of our population as well as raise the community’s awareness about the issue of homelessness. We ask for your investment in continuing our critical work.

Donate Now


Every Dollar Helps

  • $7

    Will give a guest soap, toilet paper, and trash bags for a week.

  • $20

    Will get a guest job training so he or she can secure a job.

  • $26

    Will feed a guest for one week.

  • $30

    Will house a homeless child for two nights.

  • $41

    Will provide baby diapers, wipes, and formula for one month.

  • $50

    Can provide direct financial assistance to a homeless mother.

  • $100

    Provides a homeless family with heat for one month.

  • $150

    Can provide direct financial assistance to a homeless family.

  • $175

    Will divert 20 people out of homelessness for one week.

  • $250

    Will help provide life skills education.

  • $500

    Will help a homeless family move into their home.

  • $1000

    Will house a homeless mother with two children for six months while she works toward self-sufficiency.

Donation Drop-Off

LTHC invites donors to use our shipping address for items ordered on-line. It's an easy way to get supplies to us without worrying about our donation delivery details. Packages can be shipped to: Engagement Coordinator c/o LTHC Homeless Services, 815 North 12th Street Lafayette, IN 47904.

Physical donations can also be dropped off at the donation door which is marked #4 and is on 13th Street. There is an unloading parking zone in front of the door and you just need to ring the bell. It will take staff a few minutes to get down to the door to assist you. Here are a few tips: 

  • Donation times are Monday-Friday: 9:00-4:00 pm; 
  • We do not accept donations on weekends or holidays when the administrative offices are closed; 
  • LTHC cannot accept food prepared in a home or that is open or expired; 
  • We do not accept any clothing except for new packages of socks, underwear, and bras; 
  • LTHC does not accept any electronics and only takes furniture that has been pre-authorized; and
  • We encourage you to contact us before donating!

For questions, please call 765-423-4880, ext. 4060 or email with questions. 

Be a part of ending homelessness through your financial gift.


Text LTHC to 269-89 to donate through Harness.

Send a check payable to LTHC Homeless Services.


We do have the opportunities for stock donations/transfers and other special gifts.

Please reach out to us for assistance.

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Home for Keeps Club

The Home for Keeps Club and its amazing members help us continue to provide homeless families and individuals with long-term housing solutions and support.

  • Bronze Level: $260 -$499
  • Silver Level: $500-$999
  • Gold Level: $1,000 -$2,499
  • Platinum Level: $2,500+
  • Legacy Level: Anyone who has pledged a gift
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Ready to make a difference?

Learn more about homelessness in your community and finding a long-term solution.
